Facebook Will Now Notify You If government is Spying on You

Do you fear that  some suspicious activity is going on in  your Facebook account? Well, many of you would be aware of the fact that Facebook account hacking using phishing scams is on the rise these days. But the good news is that Facebook has just announced a very important thing about its platform. Now the social network will inform users if it believes that the account has been compromised by a government agency for snooping purpose.

Facebook now recommends users to turn ON “Login Approvals,” so that their Facebook accounts can only be accessed using stronger two-factor authentication.

“The security of people’s accounts is paramount at Facebook, which is why we constantly monitor for potentially malicious activity and offer many options to proactively secure your account,” Facebook writes in an official blog.

But the important question that arises here is :

How exactly does the social network know that an account is being targeted by a government-sponsored hacker?

As of now Facebook has not disclosed how it would be able to differentiate between accounts compromised by a nation-state’s hacker and smaller-scale attacker, saying that it has to “protect the integrity” of its methods and processes.

Facebook confirms that this notification does not indicate the whole social networking platform was compromised. It is only related to specific user’s account receiving notification.

Lets hope you never get this notification but in case you do, then take the matter seriously.